Vene energiaminister Dohas

Dohas on hetkel toimumas  World Petroleum Congress, kus täna astus sõnavõtuga üles ka Vene energiaminister Sergei Shmatko. Retoorika on tuttav kodust. Vene ministri alljärgnev käsitlus on sisuliselt kopeeritud meie gaasimonopoli poolt  argumenteerimaks sektori liberaliseerimise vastu Eestis (vt tänane Äripäev, 7.12.2011).

Väljavõte’is ilmunud uudisest:

Russian energy minister Sergei Shmatko said Wednesday that the EU’s third energy package would lead to a drastic change in long-term stable relations between gas suppliers and consumers and affect energy stability.

“The third energy package has drastically changed the long-term stable relations between suppliers and consumers,” Shmatko told delegates to the World Petroleum Congress in Doha, saying this was among key challenges facing Russia as the world’s biggest oil producer and leading gas power.

“The third energy package that is currently being implemented risks disrupting relations between suppliers and consumers,” he said in a speech critical of the EU plan that will have a direct impact on the delivery of Russian gas supply to Europe.

One of the key elements of the third energy package is structural separation between transmission and production/supply activities of vertically integrated energy companies.

The package creates difficulties for Gazprom in the EU as the Russian gas giant runs upstream and transportation operations to Europe, a network that has been expanded with the recent startup of the Nord Stream gas pipeline to Europe.

“We in Russia, as the main important gas supplier to the European market, are dealing closely with these trends and I can say that these decisions can influence the stability of energy security and supplies of natural gas, mainly from the point of view of creating transport infrastructure” Shmatko said.


“We in Russia try to have different approaches. The government approves general schemes of development of the oil and gas sector,” Shmatko said.

Shmatko said Moscow’s long-term plan for gas industry development featured geographical diversification of supply routes, especially to Asia, and the further development of LNG exports.

“We will consistently be involved in diversifying our supply routes to avoid politics of regions that claim some monopoly in consumption,” he said in a clear reference to Europe.


Venemaa poliitikute seisukohad on ausad ja neid on mõistlik jälgida, et ei ununeks meie ees olevad valikud ja miks me seda kõike teeme. Meil on valida, kas tahame poliitilistest huvidest juhitud plaanimajanduslikku ja ühest tarnijast lähtuvat tarnekindlust või toimivat turgu paljude tarnijate ja tarneahelatega. Kas gaasi hind ja varustuskindlus saavad olema poliitilised või turupõhised? Mina usun konkurentsituru efektiivsusesse. Olen kindel, et ükskõik milliste virvatulukestega ka meid ei peibutata, on poliitilise gaasi tarnekindluse arve päeva lõpuks palju suurem kui turupõhist teed minnes.  Selleks just 3.energiapakett mõeldud ongi. Peame töötame selle nimel, et Euroopa – Venemaa energia raamleping ja tehnilise koostöö leping lähtuks ilma kompromissideta 3. energiapaketi põhimõttest, s.o energia varutuskindlus Euroopas tuleb tagada läbi toimivate turgude.

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